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Introduction to Magnetic Particle Testing

Magnetic Particle Testing. Magnetic particle testing is a non destructive testing method for detection of surface and near surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. Ferromagnetic materials are materials that can be magnetized to a level that will allow the inspection to be effective. They are, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel and their magnetic ...

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The Rationale For Using Magnetic Particle …

In more than 90 percent of the cases, these mission-critical components have iron-based metallurgy. ... Particle removal in unfiltered fluids: ... Conversely, magnetic particle collection devices placed upstream of …

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Magnetic particles for the separation and purification of …

Particles with a diameter larger than 1 μm can be separated easily using simple magnetic separators, while separation of smaller particles (magnetic colloids …

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BACK TO BASICS: Understanding Particle Removal …

particle removal filters or microbially validated membrane filters. This article focuses on the particle removal performance of cartridge and bag filters in liquids1. Particle Filter Removal Performance in Liquids In the food and beverage industry, suspended particles can be solid and hard, or soft and deformable.

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Upcycling tea waste particles into magnetic adsorbent …

The removal efficiency of the MBTW-6 adsorbent decreased from down to around 20 percent as the initial solution concentration was increase from 1.92 mM to 14.42 mM. The marked reduction in removal efficiency can be explained by the fact that sites available for reduction of Cr(VI) becomes depleted at higher concentrations of …

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The Use of Flotation and High-Intensity Magnetic Separation …

The removal percentage of TiO 2 in a nonmagnetic product behaves similarly to the removal of Fe 2 O 3. The removal percentage of TiO 2 from non …

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Recent advances of magnetite nanomaterials to remove …

The maximum removal (56.4% to 98.4%) of As(iii) occurs with an increase in adsorbent dose from 0.01 to 0.25 g L −1, followed by no change in removal percentage due to the starting equilibrium condition. The removal percentage of arsenic highly depends on the initial amount, the concentration of As(iii) and the pH of the solution as …

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Comparative study of various magnetic nanoparticles for Cr(VI) removal

At pH 2.0, the percentage removal of Cr(VI) from 20 mL of 100 mg/L K 2 CrO 4 solution by 0.1 g magnetic nanoparticles under various shaking rates are shown in Fig. 6. It is found that Cr(VI) removal efficiency gradually increased with an increase in shaking rates from 100 to 400 rpm and then remained almost constant with further …

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Research on magnetic separation for complex nickel deep removal …

This study investigated the deep removal of complex nickel from simulated wastewater using magnetic separation and magnetic seed recycling. Nano-magnetite (Fe3O4) was used as the magnetic seed. The flocculant applied was N,N-bis-(dithiocarboxy) ethanediamine (EDTC), a highly efficient heavy metal chelating agent …

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Magnetic Separation: Principles, Devices, and …

A special issue of Magnetochemistry journal that collects the latest findings on magnetic separation theory, process, equipment, and applications in mineral processing. Learn about high-gradient magnetic …

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Guidelines for measuring and reporting particle …

particle mass, corresponding to various particle size distributions, will producedifferentremovalef ficiencies,i.e., filtrationefficiencytestdata. Fig. 1 | Schematization and comparison of the ...

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Magnetic particle flaw inspection of finished machined …

3.4 The continuous wet method of magnetic flaw detection shall be used wherein a suspension of fine magnetic particles in paraffin or similar medium is applied whilst the current is flowing. The magnetic ink used shall comply with the requirements of BS4069. 3.5 Magnetization shall be generally in accordance with the requirements of BS 6072.

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HEPA Filter Types and Full Form Explained: Particle Size Removal …

HEPA 14 air filters are even more efficient at particle removal than HEPA 13 models. They must demonstrate 99.995% minimum efficiency for 0.3 micron particles during laboratory testing. The extremely high filtration of HEPA 14 filters makes them ideal for hospitals, clean rooms, research labs, and other applications that demand near …

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Guidance Note Surface inspection of welds No. 6

destructive techniques, either magnetic particle testing or, to a lesser extent, pene-trant testing. Visual inspection and measurement of fusion welded joints after welding is covered in GN 6.06, and sub-surface inspection is covered in GN 6.03. Magnetic particle testing Magnetic particle testing or inspection (usual-

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A novel magnetic sepiolite/Fe2O3 composite for adsorptive removal …

The removal percentage of Pb 2+ using Sep was lower compared to MagSep until pH=7.0 and then equ al at pH 7.0 – 9 .0 (q =39.9 mg/g) (Fig. 8). The adsorption capacity of the sepiolite

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Application of Efficient Magnetic Particles and Activated Carbon …

Magnetic-particle adsorption technology shows promising and effective outcomes for wastewater treatment owing to the presence of magnetic material in the adsorbents that can facilitate separation ...

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Review Modeling of particle capture in high gradient magnetic …

2.2. Gravitational force. The gravitational force acting on a paramagnetic particle is given by Eq. (5): (5) F → g = 4 3 π R 3 ρ p − ρ l g → where ρ p and ρ l are density of particle and fluid, R is radius of particle, g → is gravitational acceleration. 2.3. Fluid drag force. Fluid drag force is the main competing force in HGMS, especially for …

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EasyEights™ EasySep™ Magnet for Cell Separation

Depletion kits are also available for the removal of cells with a specific undesired marker (e.g. GlyA). ... Our in-house experiments also confirm that selected cells are not functionally altered by the EasySep™ magnetic particles. If particle binding is a key concern, we offer two options for negative selection. ...

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Magnetic Separation

Learn about the principles, types, and applications of magnetic separation in mineral processing. This chapter covers dry low-intensity magnetic separators, such …

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Magnetic sepiolite/iron (III) oxide composite for the …

The removal percentage of Pb 2+ using Sep was lower compared to MagSep until pH = 7.0 and then equal at pH 7.0–9.0 (q = 39.9 mg g –1; Fig. 8). The adsorption capacity of the sepiolite modified by Fe 3 O 4 and MnO 2 was found to be equal to ~50 mg g –1 at pH 6-9 (Fayazi et al., 2019 ).

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Working principle and application of magnetic …

For such application, an external magnetic field is applied to drive the separation of target entity (e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites and cancer cells) from a complex raw sample in order to ease the …

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Magnetic particles for the separation and purification of …

Nucleic acid separation is an increasingly important tool for molecular biology. Before modern technologies could be used, nucleic acid separation had been a time- and work-consuming process based on several extraction and centrifugation steps, often limited by small yields and low purities of the separation products, and not suited …

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Water Purification and Microplastics Removal Using Magnetic

In contrast to filtration, magnetic water purification could facilitate the treatment of large volumes of water, and can in principle be used without further infrastructure if particle removal is possible using simple permanent magnets.17 Pioneering studies have explored the removal of aqueous pollutants using magnetic …

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Basic Principles and Recent Advances in Magnetic …

Learn how magnetic cell separation (MACS) works and how it is used for various biomedical and environmental purposes. This review covers the basic concepts, methods, and challenges of MACS, as well as its …

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Significance of ionic wind propulsion on charged particle removal

Understanding charged particle migration and deposition with ionic wind propulsion is closely linked to enhancing fine particle removal in the electric field [14, 15]. Ionic wind is created by the EHD propulsive force in electrically charged fluids, which includes the exchange of mass, momentum, and energy [16]. In principle, ionization near ...

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Particle size composition of ground basalt and percentage …

Download Table | Particle size composition of ground basalt and percentage of the magnetic component from publication: Effect of iron content on the sintering of ground basalt into ceramics ...

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Magnetic Particle Separator (MPS) Magna-Sep Magnetic …

The Magna-SepTM Magnetic Particle Separator (MPS) is designed for the fast and simple removal of supernatant from samples bound to magnetic particles. It is available in three formats: a six-hole format for use with 1.5– 2.0 ml tubes, a 96-well plate format for use …

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Research on magnetic seeding flocculation for arsenic removal …

2.5.. Treatment capacity of magnetic separationThe treatment capacity was measured by hydraulic retention time in OGMS and flow rate in HGMS. A settlement column with a diameter (D) of 7.5 cm and a height (H) of 40 cm was used.The treatment capacity of the certain column by OGMS process was measured by arsenic removal rate in …

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Ultimate Guide to Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)

Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) is also commonly called magnetic particle testing (MT), magnetic testing, or particle inspection. In this guide, we will use the terms magnetic particle inspection and magnetic particle testing and other permutations like magnetic particle inspection test interchangeably, following the alternate terms listed ...

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Particle and natural Organic Matter Removal in …

• Compliance with particle removal criteria is determined by filtered water tur-bidity, with regulatory limits ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 ntu, depending on the type ... Removal Percentage of Total Organic Carbon (TOC)9 Removal Requirements, % Source Water TOC, mg/L Source Water Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO 3

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