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Effect of Direct Application of Mussoorie Rock …

The treatment consisted of four level of mussoorie rock phosphate (0,100,150 and 200kg/ha) applied through fine powdered farm. The direct effect of levels of MRP was …

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Rock Phosphate and Manures with Phosphorus Solubilizing …

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important plant nutrient for increasing soil productivity and sustainable crop production. A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of seed inoculation by phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and organic and mineral P fertilizers on growth, yield and P uptake of okra. Phosphorus was applied at …

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Field experiments were conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India for three years from 2001–2002 to 2003–2004 to study the relative efficiency of …

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Mussoorrie rock phosphate-pyrite mixture as phosphate fertilizer …

Mussoorrie rock phosphate (MRP), MRP + pyrite (25% by weight), diammonium phosphate (DAP), ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and nitrophosphate (NP) were compared in a field experiment as fertilizers for wheat. At 20 kg P ha−1, MRP was only 6 per cent as effective as DAP. However, when it was mixed with pyrite, the efficiency of …

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Efficiency of Mussoorie rock phosphate as a source of …

Mussoorie rock phosphate was 44–52% as efficient as concentrated superphosphate. The incorporation of Amjhore pyrite, farmyard manure or straw in the soil with rock …

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The mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP) at 35 kg P/ha was at par with 17.5 kg P/ha as diammonium phosphate (DAP) in terms of productivity, protein yield, and energy output but significantly superior in ...

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Dry Mineral Fertilizer | Soft Rock Phosphate – Florida

a leading wholesale supplier of soft rock phosphate fertilizers. With more people in the agriculture industry seeing the need to incorporate sustainable farming practices, they need options that benefit their soil and increase the profitability of their crops. We have over 100 years of combined experience handling clays, aggregates, and ...

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Press Release:Press Information Bureau

Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers, chaired a meeting to make India self-reliant in rock phosphate, the key raw material of …

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(PDF) Effect of different levels of Mussoorie rock phosphate …

PDF | On Jan 1, 2000, S. Gaind and others published Effect of different levels of Mussoorie rock phosphate on the quality of organo-biofertilizer | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

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Rock phosphate solubilization under alkaline conditions by

Rastogi R.C., Mishra B., Ghildyal B.P.: Effect of pyrites and organic matter on the release of phosphorus from rock phosphate.J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 24, 175–181 (1976). CAS Google Scholar Rastogi R.C., Mishra B., Ghildyal B.P.: Fertilizing value of Mussoorie rock phosphate for P supply to wheat as shown by greenhouse tests.

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Rock phosphate enriched compost: An approach to …

2.3. Preparation of rock phosphate enriched compost Firstly various RP-composts were prepared by mixing ground RP @ 2 and 4 kg P (elemental P basis) per

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Direct and residual effects of compost enriched with mussoorie rock …

The direct and residual effects of compost in a wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori & Paol.) - rice (Oryza sativa L.) sequence on crop yield, nutrient uptake and soil parameters were studied during 1992-93 and J 993-94 on an acid alfisol. A compost rich in P and N was prepared by composting mussoorie rock phosphate with fresh cowdung and green …

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Comparative performance of Mussoorie rockphosphate, …

A field experiment on an acid soil of Shillong, in 1982 and 1983, investigated the comparative performance of Mussoorie rockphosphate (MRP), single superphosphate (SSP) and their combinations for potatoes. MRP, when applied alone, proved much inferior to SSP, on an equal P basis, in tuber characters, tuber yield and nutrients (N, P and K) …

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Comparative performance of Mussoorie rockphosphate, …

A field experiment on an acid soil of Shillong, in 1982 and 1983, investigated the comparative performance of Mussoorie rockphosphate (MRP), single …

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Phosphorus Availability from Mussoorie Rock Phosphate …

Availability of phosphorus from applied rock phosphate in acid soils has been reported by Khasawaneh and Doll (1978) and Marwah (1989). Some soil microorganisms inhabiting …

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Field experiments were conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India for three years from 2001–2002 to 2003–2004 to study the relative efficiency of diammonium phosphate (DAP) and mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP) in a rice-potato-mungbean cropping system.

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Relative efficiency of diammonium phosphate and mussoorie rock …

Phosphorus is one of the primary nutrients required in crop production. Rock phosphate is the raw material required for the manufacturing of soluble phosphorus fertilizers, which is nonrenewable ...

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Phosphate Rock |Fertilizers: Manufacturers, Suppliers, …

We are one of the leading Rock Phosphate suppliers & dealers in Egypt, Phosphate rock products are an excellent natural source of phosphorus, calcium and many essential trace elements including silica. ... Phosphate rock (or Phosphorite) basically refers to any form of rock that possesses a high phosphorous content. Often extracted by means of ...

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Relative efficiency of rock phosphate and superphosphate …

A field experiment was made at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to compare the efficiency of Mussoorie rock phosphate with ordinary superphosphate for two forage legumes, cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi) and cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragononoloba L.) and residual effects were studied in wheat (Triticum …

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Geochemical characteristics of Early Cambrian phosphate …

The phosphate bearing sedimentary rocks of Masrana and Kimoi blocks of Mussoorie Syncline are found to occur associated with a variety of chert-shale-carbonate with some pyrites of Tal Group of Early Cambrian age. Petro-mineralogical studies have revealed that apatite is a dominant phosphate mineral with gangue constituents as calcite, dolomite, …

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Effect of irrigation, pyrites and phosphobacteria on the …

Relative efficiency of diammonium phosphate and mussoorie rock phosphate on productivity and phosphorus balance in a rice–rapeseed–mungbean cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Vol. 86, Issue. 2, p. 199.

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Soil physico-chemical properties, productivity and …

Two sets of field experiment on fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum) with cultivar pusa early bunching, was conducted during winter (rabi) seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at the Crop Research Form, Department of soil science, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad to evaluate the effect of Mussoorie …

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expensive rock phosphate is preferred source of P in low pHsoils (Minhas and Kick, 1974). Judicious combination of soluble source of P combined with Mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP) can give better performance, as against the conventional source of P-alone, in several cropping system. Di~mmoniumphosphate(DAP) is the majorsource

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Transformation of rock phosphate during composting and …

Phosphorus from Mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP) was solubilized and transformed into available forms when MRP was incorporated during composting of organic.

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Effect of Direct Application of Mussoorie Rock Phosphate …

Phosphorus is the primary constituents of plants and animals life, playing a vital role in many metabolic processes and phenology of crops and vegetables. Phosphorus has functions of a structural nature in macromolecules such as nucleic acids and of energy transformation as Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP) in metabolic pathways of …

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Influence of applied Mussoorie rock phosphate on amino …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Influence of applied Mussoorie rock phosphate on amino acid composition of Β-humic acid." by L. Singh et al. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Search 220,714,162 papers from all fields of science. Search ...

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Comparative performance of Mussoorie rockphosphate, …

Application of SSP together with MRP improved the efficiency of the latter, and the response to P was optimum at 70 kg P/ha with SSP and was linear up to the highest rate with the combinations of S SP and MRP. SUMMARY A field experiment on an acid soil of Shillong, in 1982 and 1983, investigated the comparative performance of Mussoorie …

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Phosphorus Availability from Mussoorie Rock …

Treatments consisted of four levels of phosphate (40,80, 120 and 160 kg P 20S ha-1 as Mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP) with and without inoculation of Aspergillus nigerVan Tiegh.(phosphate dissolving fungus). A treatment with 40 kg P Ps ha-1 as single superphosphate (SSP), was also included in the study as a standard. Treatments were …

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The field experiments were conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India for 3 years from 2001–2002 to 2003–2004 to study the relative efficiency of diammonium phosphate (DAP) and Mussoorie rock phosphate along with phosphorus solubilizing bacteria inoculation (MRP + PSB) at different rates of application on …

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Rock Phosphate Suppliers Australia

Dry & Shine - Rinse Aid Quick enquiry Where to buy Suppliers range: DRY & SHINE Machine Rinse Aid is an environmentally responsible automatic machine dishwashing rinse aid that is readily bio-degradable with no fillers or phosphate s. DRY & SHINE has a place beside every automatic dishwashing machine where hand drying dishes, c rock ery and …

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