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Prediction model of high-voltage pulse boring rock …

High-voltage pulse rock-breaking has been proved highly feasible in many countries, and is featured in high breaking efficiency and low energy consumption (Ushakov et al., 2019). ... and electrode tip shapes. The results show that the volume of broken rock is directly related to the loading voltage. The best loading voltage range is between 200 ...

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Effect of the electrode spacing on dynamic fracture behavior …

Previous studies found that when rock is broken by HVPD, the pulse voltage first acts on the high and low-voltage electrodes, and a fine discharge leader is formed inside the rock near the high-voltage electrode, whose trunk extends continuously and reaches the low-voltage electrode, thus forming a through plasma channel [16, 17]. …

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Rapid pulse. Shortness of breath. When to see a doctor. Many things can cause tachycardia. If you feel like your heart is beating too fast, make an appointment for a health checkup. ... High or low blood …

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A Programmable High-Voltage Pulse Transmitter Circuit for …

This paper introduces a high-voltage pulse transmitter circuit, designed to drive an array of transducers in a 3-D ultrasonic imaging system. The high-voltage pulser in this circuit adopts a push-pull structure to reduce static power consumption, while using a floating-gate bootstrap transistor for isolation to ensure that the pulser does not break down at high …

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The partial electrical breakdown mechanism by high voltage …

Introduction. High-voltage electric pulse (HVEP) drilling technology stands out for its high rock breaking efficiency, good well bore quality, green environmental protection, easy control of the rock breaking process, and the drilling cost is not limited by the drilling depth, which has huge development potential, regarded as an emerging …

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High Voltage Pulse Generators | Berkeley Nucleonics …

The PVX-4000-2kV is a high voltage pulse generator designed for high impedance capacitive loads and offers the choice between an internal or external power supply option. This unit offers a 0 V to ±2000 V settable output voltage and 2% to 98% duty cycles. With the internal source PVX-4000-2kV, 40 Hz to 30,000 Hz repetition rates are supported.

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The Fragmentation Mechanism of Heterogeneous …

The ner the grain size of granite, the smaller the broken ratio coecient, and the better the crushing degree of HVEP. There is almost no dierence in the energy eciency of HVEP between granites ... (Li et al. 2018, 2019) established a high-voltage electrical pulse rock-breaking system and based on Kratel cylindri-cal channel model (Kratel 1996 ...

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High Voltage Pulse Generators

Directed Energy has high voltage pulse generators designed for high voltage and precision applications. Instruments, standard modules & OEM modules available. Skip to content +1 (415)-453-9955 …

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Growth Mechanism of Three-Dimensional Plasma Channels in High-Voltage

High-voltage electric pulse rock-breaking technology has the potential to improve drilling speed significantly. Numerous mechanism studies and laboratory experiments have laid the foundation for developing high-voltage electric pulse rock-breaking technology. However, the mechanism of medium ion channels growing in three …

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Basic Concepts of High-Voltage Pulse Generation

Considering the above requirements, there are several basic concepts that can be used for high-voltage pulse generation. The key idea is that energy is collected from some primary energy source of low voltage, stored temporarily in a relatively long time and then rapidly released from storage and converted in high-voltage pulses of the …

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Sydor High Voltage Pulse Generator

Amplitude adjustable up to 10 kV and pulse widths from 10 - 100 nS. Sydor High Voltage Pulse Generator. Looking for a replacement for your aging Bournlea 3148 Thyratron pulser? Look no further! Sydor has single channel or 3 channel units for driving Pockels cells, Rf testing and more. Amplitude adjustable up to 10 kV and pulse widths from 10 ...

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Concrete crushing based on the high-voltage pulse discharge technology

High-voltage pulse discharge (HVPD) technology has a broad prospect in concrete crushing. ... and broken. Therefore, this method has a good application prospect in the demolition engineering of concrete structures. In the mid-20th century, the former Soviet Union used the principle of hydroelectric effect to dismantle concrete foundation, ...

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Preferential sequence crushing of copper ore based upon high-voltage …

The advantages of high voltage pulse crushing were reflected in many cases. In this work, high voltage pulse technology is used to break copper iron ore to separate specific mineral components under different operating conditions, and to break minerals in a particular sequence to realize stepwise mineral enrichment. 2. …

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An Experimental and Numerical Study on the …

of High‑Voltage Electro Pulse Rock‑Breaking Jifeng Kang1 · Changping Li2 · Longchen Duan1 · Yibiao Xiao 1 · Ao Li1 Received: 15 February 2022 / Accepted: 8 November 2022 / Published online: 27 November 2022 ... broken down when the energy was large enough (Andres et al. 2001a, 2001b; Boev et al. 1997). Burkin et al. (2009a, b) estab-

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Strengthening the magnetic separation characteristic of …

In the present paper, high-voltage pulse discharge (HVPD) was proposed to enhance the separation characteristic of magnetite quartzite. The technical indicators of concentrate grade 61.76% and recovery 83.26% were obtained at pulse number 90, loading voltage 35 kV, and grinding time 9 min. The liberation of breakage products was …

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Electrode structural effects on the mechanism of high …

High-voltage electrical pulses effectively fracture deep hard rocks. •. Multi-electrode configuration effectively enhances rock fragmentation efficiency. •. Increasing voltage improves electrical rock fragmentation performance. •. Greater electrode spacing …

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Study on Effect of High Voltage Pulse Electrode Spacing on Broken

In order to study on effect of high voltage pulse electrode spacing on broken concrete physical performance, through four electrode spacing in the concrete crush test, analysis of electrode ...

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Impedance in the Diagnosis of Lead Malfunction

We review determinants of impedance, how it is measured, variation in clinically measured pacing and high-voltage impedance and impedance trends as a diagnostic for lead failure and lead-device …

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The Fragmentation Mechanism of Heterogeneous Granite by High-Voltage …

A capacitive pulse high-voltage generator is used to excite the plasma channel, and U c is the voltage across the equivalent capacitor C. Trigger switch adopts a high-voltage solid-state switch or Marx trigger switch to ensure insulation. ... The broken ratio coefficient γ can evaluate the crushing degree of a single pulse of EPF, and the ...

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A novel and efficient method for resources recycling in …

The particle size enrichment effect was found when the photovoltaic panel was broken by high voltage pulse. • The stripping sequence of photovoltaic panel components during high voltage pulse crushing was investigated. • The Silver in photovoltaic panels can be effectively enriched and recovered by high voltage pulse …

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Electrode structural effects on the mechanism of high …

In this paper, focusing on heterogeneous granite formations, we investigate high-voltage pulse breaking patterns by adjusting electrode structural parameters, …

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Research on High Voltage Pulse Ice-Breaking Technology

The high voltage pulse acts on the ice accumulation covering on transmission lines, breaking down the ice from the inside, forming a high pressure, high temperature plasma channel, and finally ...

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The partial electrical breakdown mechanism by high voltage …

1. Introduction. High-voltage electric pulse (HVEP) drilling technology stands out for its high rock breaking efficiency, good well bore quality, green environmental protection, easy control of the rock breaking process, and the drilling cost is not limited by the drilling depth, which has huge development potential, regarded as an emerging …

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Electrode structural effects on the mechanism of high-voltage pulse …

At present, most of the high-voltage electric pulse breaking technologies focus on the in-depth study of the rock-breaking mechanism, and to analyze the formation principle of the discharge channel in different solid media (Boev et al., 1997; Lee, 1954), the pulse voltage is applied on the surface of the granite and concrete specimens.

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Study on the Process of Rock Fragmentation by High-Voltage Pulse …

Rock fragmentation by high-voltage pulse discharge (rock fragmentation by high-voltage pulse discharge, RFHD) is a potential, new and efficient drilling technology. The RFHD platform is established to study the relationship between voltage characteristics and discharge path distribution in typical liquid-rock composite media. Based on the …

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High Voltage Pulser Circuits

High voltage, high speed, and high current pulses at low duty cycles are usually required in applications such as medical ultrasound imaging, B-scan ultrasound, material ... +PULSE-PULSE +10V FB ENAB DAMP DAMP +10V Supertex MD1213 Supertex MD1213 10nF Supertex TC6320 Supertex TC6320 0.1µF OE INA INB GND OUTA OUTB VDD1 …

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The Dynamic Fracture Process in Rocks Under High-Voltage Pulse

High-voltage pulse technology has been applied to rock excavation, liberation of microfossils, drilling of rocks, oil and water stimulation, cleaning castings, and recycling products like concrete and electrical appliances. In the field of rock mechanics, research interest has focused on the use of high-voltage pulse technology for drilling and cutting …

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The plasma path development model (PPDM) in rocks

After multiple discharges, the rock will be broken [7, 9]. This indicates that the distribution characteristics of the plasma path determine the distribution characteristics of stresses within the rock, and are closely related to the crushing efficiency of HPDT. ... the high-voltage pulse output by the pulse power supply is loaded onto the high ...

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Study on the Process of Rock Fragmentation by High …

Abstract: Rock fragmentation by high-voltage pulse discharge (rock fragmentation by high-voltage pulse discharge, RFHD) is a potential, new and efficient …

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Bipolar Pulse Generator, High Voltage Pulse Generator

The PVX-4150 pulse generator produces fast, high voltage waveforms to 1,500V. Optimized for high impedance capacitive loads, this module is well suited for driving extraction grids and deflection plates for electrostatic modulation of particle beams in time-of-flight mass spectrometers and accelerators.

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