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Mining & Mineral Exploration: Steps & Approach

In the dynamic landscape of South Africa's mining industry, innovating mineral exploration stands as a beacon of progress and sustainability, with Pan African Resources (PAR) being at the forefront of this initiative mainly around its existing mining rights areas in South Africa and in new frontiers, such as in the Republic of Sudan, …

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Technology and innovation in mineral processing

This combines with an abundance of mineral resources and the need to market commodities globally, where metal prices are seldom stagnant and often low at some stage in a given decade. Whilst there is some government support for research and development in mineral processing, this is insignificant when compared with the value …

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Understanding Geology and Structure: An Essential …

e a mineral resource can be reported, the geological understanding of the mineralisation system should be such that there is sufficient confidence to correlate between sample points that form the basis of the resource. This confidence derives from many factors, which are summarised as a "geological framework" (JORC 2012). It implies a

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Mineral Resources and Conflict: An Analytical Overview

Although these studies are able to present some evidence concerning the relevance of natural resources, and oil in particular, in explaining community mobilization, a consensus regarding the causal mechanisms linking resource production, mobilization and violence has yet to be established (Kuhn 2018). This is why qualitative analyses …

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Operations research for mining: A classification …

realistic and comprehensive operations research models and solution techniques that are directly linked with mining industries. …

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DEEP-SEA mining: Policy options to preserve the last frontier …

The research methods utilize both policy analysis of key documents from 1980s to the present, and recent interviews with key experts, some of whom were active in seabed and Antarctic policy making during this period (see Fig. 1).The individuals interviewed as part of this research, were selected because of their long-standing …

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Operations research for mining: A classification and …

In this paper, we describe the main processes and operations in mining industries and present a comprehensive survey of operations research methodologies …

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Errors and Uncertainty in Mineral Resource and Ore …

The reliable estimation of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves is critical to all mining operations irrespective of size or commodity (Annels, 1991; Stone and Dunn, 1996; …

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Mineral resources and their economic significance in …

This is mainly due to a lack of adequate natural resources, properly educated human resources and good socio-economic conditions. Although Bangladesh is a small country, it has a number of mineral resources such as natural gas, oil, coal, hard rock, limestone, white clay, glass sand and mineral sand.

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Natural resource conservation outpaces and climate change: …

Table 1 presents the outcome of descriptive statistics of mean, median, maximum, minimum, and correlation coefficients for natural resource conservations, CO 2 emissions, forest rents, mineral depletion, and natural resource depletion in China. The mean of natural resource conservation in China was 0.635963, the median was …

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Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource …

5. Harmonize global best practices for responsible mineral resource development. Mineral deposits are irregularly distributed and their locations are fixed by geology. Thus, the value of these ...

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(PDF) A comprehensive evaluation of sustainable mineral resources

Moreover, this research also explores how the mineral resources governance mechanisms and best mining guidelines actually reflect at the local operational level in Pakistan. The research methods ...

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Full article: Operational Research: methods and applications

1. Introduction Footnote 1. The year 2024 marks the 75 th anniversary of the Journal of the Operational Research Society, formerly known as Operational Research Quarterly.It is the oldest Operational Research (OR) journal worldwide. On this occasion, my colleague Fotios Petropoulos from University of Bath proposed to the editors of the …

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Overview of research on marine resources and economic …

Lack of innovation in research methodology. The empirical models and conclusions of many existing studies on land-based resource economics are empirical summaries based on specific conditions and are not fully applicable to the field of marine resource economics (Wang et al., 2021b).Marine resource-economic complex systems …

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Geology and Mining: Mineral Resources and Reserves: Their …

Learn how geoscientists estimate mineral resources and reserves for mine development and production. Explore the factors, methods, and challenges involved in this process, as well as the role of geostatistics and communication.

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Mining our green future

Ali, S. et al. Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance. Nature 543, 367–372 (2017). Article CAS Google Scholar

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A comprehensive evaluation of sustainable mineral resources …

1. Introduction. Sustainable mineral resource development is referred to as the use of mineral resources for socio-economic purposes with the assurance of protecting the environment (Dobra et al., 2018).Unlike the traditional use of resources, researchers and institutions are actively engaged to bring improvement to the use of mineral …

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Overview of Nigeria's Mineral Resources in the Context of …

Africa is the world's most mineral-rich continent endowed with abundant metallic and non-metallic minerals and gemstones. Africa's mineral wealth is attributable to its "favorable" geology and ...

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Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and …

Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios: …

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A comprehensive interdisciplinary review of mine supply …

Over 200 recent papers relevant to mine supply chain management are reviewed. • Characteristics of the reviewed papers are analysed in an interdisciplinary …

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Overview of Technology and Mining

The role of research and development in improving technology, and thus in offsetting the adverse effects of mineral-resource depletion over time, are highlighted. IMPORTANCE OF MINING Mining is first and foremost a …

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Review of machine learning-based Mineral Resource …

Mineral Resources estimation plays a crucial role in the profitability of the future of mining operations. The conventional geostatistical methods used for grade estimation require expertise ...

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"Reasonable prospects" in mineral resource …

A fundamental component of the Definition Standards for Mineral Resources is the requirement that the material have "reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction" (RPEEE).

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Deep-sea Mineral Resource Mining: A Historical Review, …

The deep oceans harbor a wide variety of mineral resources that are characterized by their abundance and high quality. Nations worldwide are actively pursuing the exploration and extraction of these resources. This paper provides a concise overview of the mineral resources found in the deep sea, highlighting the challenges associated …

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as …

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Innovating Mineral Exploration: A Sustainable Approach in SA

Prospecting marks the initial phase of mineral exploration, characterized by small-scale activities aimed at uncovering areas or lands with potential mineral or ore presence for future mining ventures.. This phase kicks off with an evaluation period, during which experts scrutinize existing geological data about rock formations, analyzing …

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Operations Research – Importance and Applications

Operations research (OR) is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that leverages mathematical and analytical methods to tackle complex problems and enhance . decision-making processes.It plays a critical role in a wide array of industries, including manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and finance, where the optimization of …

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Uncertainty Quantification in Mineral Resource Estimation

Mineral resources are estimated to establish potential orebody with acceptable quality (grade) and quantity (tonnage) to validate investment. Estimating mineral resources is associated with uncertainty from sampling, geological heterogeneity, shortage of knowledge and application of mathematical models at sampled and …

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Future of Mining, Mineral Processing and Metal Extraction …

Mining, mineral processing and metal extraction are undergoing a profound transformation as a result of two revolutions in the making—one, advances in digital technologies and the other, availability of electricity from renewable energy sources at affordable prices. The demand for new metals and materials has also arisen …

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Developments in Quantitative Assessment and Modeling of Mineral …

The special issue entitled "Developments in Quantitative Assessment and Modeling of Mineral Resource Potential" is composed of 17 papers that cover a diverse range of approaches to mineral resource assessment, including mainly multivariate statistical analysis, fractal and multifractal modeling, geostatistical modeling, machine …

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