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Gold Mining Exploits And The Legacies Of Johannesburg's Mining Landscapes

Mining activity is a deeply destructive process with consequences that continue to affect many industrial cities around the world. Hinged on extracting wealth and driving down costs to maximise profits, the direct impacts of the physical extraction of minerals and the more nuanced implications of the mining industry on society and the environment create a …

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the …

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MINING LANDSCAPES OF PREHISTORIC CYPRUS Vasiliki Kassianidou Fig. 1: Map of Cyprus showing the pillow lava formation and sites mentioned in the text. ... Other minerals such as chalcanthite, the copper sul-phate, were used for the preparation of medicaments and were also systematically collected (Michaelides, 1996, p.144). The exploitation of ...

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity …

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Mining rehabilitation – Using geomorphology to engineer …

The extracted material surrounding the mineral of interest, termed waste rock, can either be placed back in the mined out pit or a new landscape created at or around the pit. In coal and metallic mining the waste always has a greater volume than what it had pre-mining due to the breaking up of the material and the creation of air …

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Exploring potential impacts of mining on forest loss and …

Introduction. Mining is an extensive driver of land use change. Although mines occupy less than 1% of Earth's land surface (Hooke et al., 2012), mining and mineral processing can influence landscapes far beyond the site of mineral extraction.

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Environmental Risks of Mining

When companies break up materials during mining, the dust can release a variety of heavy metals commonly associated with health problems. As dust, these minerals (such as the asbestos-like mineral riebeckite) can …

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Appalachia's Coal-Mined Landscapes

This book collects and summarizes current scientific knowledge concerning the ecology and management of Appalachian mined landscapes and provides a holistic understanding of conditions in a …

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London, UK – Leading global mining and metals companies have today committed to take urgent action to support a nature positive future by 2030 that promotes the health, diversity and resilience of species, ecosystems and natural processes. With responsibly produced minerals and metals playing a critical role in advancing global …

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Supergene Copper and the Ancient Mining Landscapes of …

To understand these mining landscapes, studies must, therefore, take into consideration the location and characteristics of mining districts and their relation to the areas where minerals were used. ... Thus, to determine the sources of copper, it is important to define the paragenesis of minerals from pre-Hispanic mining districts and …

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Biodiversity conservation threatened by global mining wastes

Mining wastes, both in the form of waste rock (blasted rock not subjected to mineral processing) and mine tailings (the residue remaining after mineral processing), are the largest solid waste ...

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Mining and Europe's World Heritage Cultural …

The research shows that cultural mining landscapes consist of "above-ground" and underground features and landscape elements and thus pose very specific challenges and questions for landscape assessments and …

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Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining

On the other hand, reclamation of post-mining landscapes is a very challenging task since there is no unique reclamation planning scheme for such landscapes, and it highly depends on the site-specific characteristics. ... Especially in the case of opencast mining, where a mineral is fairly close to the surface in a massive or …

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The mining of minerals often bring about the destruction of landscapes …

The mining of minerals often bring about the destruction of landscapes and wildlife habitats. Tel: 024.7300.7989 - Phone: 1800.6947 (Thời gian hỗ trợ từ 7h đến 22h) ... The mining of minerals often brings about the destruction of landscapes and wildlife habitats. (Sự khai thác khoáng sản thường gây ra sự tàn phá cảnh ...

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(PDF) Mining and Europe's World Heritage Cultural Landscapes …

This study examines the four cases of World Heritage protected cultural landscapes in Europe that are characterized by mining in order to identify the role mining plays today in such cultural ...

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Extractive industries and the environment: Production, pollution…

Altogether, the combined value of mining and mineral production in the 2010s hovered between 1.2 and 1.8 trillion USD, which constitutes nearly 2% of global GDP ... The relationship also worked in the other direction: mining landscapes profoundly shaped people's outlooks, identities, and sense of place.

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A global rise in alluvial mining increases sediment load in …

a, Map of 396 identified river mineral mining areas.More than 80% (334/396) of mining areas are within 20° of the Equator. b–e, Planet Labs satellite images of mining sites identified in a ...

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Archaeology of Mining

The extraction and processing of metals and other minerals have played a significant role in economic, political, and social developments across the globe from early in prehistory to the present day. ... and to traces of environmental pollution. Likewise, mining landscapes often preserve other features related to mining labor and the …

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Mining in the Mountains — State of the …

Mining operations target valuable mineral resources, such as coal, copper, or gold, that are locked away in earth's geology. A mine begins with prospecting, the process of locating economically-viable …

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Electric car batteries need minerals. Will America mine its …

Alongside proposed expansions in Arizona's nation-leading copper production, this nascent mining boom would position the state as a leader in the West's drive to fuel the cars of the future.

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What Is The Environmental Impact Of The Mining Industry?

Mining is the extraction of minerals and other geological materials of economic value from deposits on the Earth. Mining adversely affects the environment by inducing loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and contamination of surface water, groundwater, and soil. Mining can also trigger the formation of sinkholes.

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(PDF) Biodiversity Conservation in Mining Landscapes: a …

Overall, this review provides an overview of the various biodiversity assessment methods used in the country's mining areas and offers guidance for future assessments in other mining landscapes.

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments …

What's more, waste from mining, known as tailings, includes minerals and chemicals that can contaminate water in nearby communities if not properly handled and stored. Odell says the secure storage of tailings is a high priority in earthquake-prone Chile. "If an earthquake were to hit and damage a tailings dam, it could mean toxic materials ...

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Land Use-Based Landscape Planning and Restoration in Mine …

The stability values show that (1) before mining, landscape changes are unobvious but stable, and the disturbance by human activity is minimal; (2) in development phase, and especially in heyday phase, landscape changes are the greatest; (3) after mine closures, the impact on landscapes in mining areas decreases due to the cessation of …

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Mining Is Better Off Operating in America

In the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, where I've studied the environmental impacts of mining, I met fluorite miners who lamented the destruction of their landscapes and the poisoning of their groundwater.

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Mining and sustainability: asking the right questions

This case study demonstrates how the Mineral Resources Landscape may be used to guide questions which would need to be asked as part of evaluating and …

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2. Mining's impacts on forests

The mineral supply chains most reliant on forest mines are those for bauxite, titanium and nickel, with more than 60 per cent of the mines for each of these commodities located in forest landscapes. 9 The type of mining, its infrastructure requirements and its effective 'footprint' will vary between commodities. Low-value, high-volume ...

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Rare earth mining | UDaily

As the demand for rare earth elements increases world-wide, so too do the mining activities associated with rare earth element extraction. Rare earth elements are listed as 15 elements on the periodic table comprising what is known as the lanthanide series, ranging in atomic number from 57 (lanthanum) to 71 (lutetium), as well as …

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(PDF) The Authenticity of the Former Mining Landscapes

[Show full abstract] mining cultural landscape having regard to the status of derelict mining sites internationally and their inclusion on the World Heritage List. The rich cultural tapestry that ...

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An update on global mining land use | Scientific Data

The growing demand for minerals has pushed mining activities into new areas increasingly affecting biodiversity-rich natural biomes. Mapping the land use of the …

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