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Exploring the Progression of Kenya's Mining Industry.

The recently concluded Kenya Mining Week (KMW) 2023 was a resounding success, leaving industry leaders and stakeholders inspired and motivated to shape the future of Kenya's mining sector. With dates spanning from 17th to 19th July 2023, the event took place at the prestigious Radisson Blu Hotel in Upper Hill, Nairobi.

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Regulating Mining: A New Vision for Kenya? Kariuki …

The Mining Act has provisions covering various mining issues including but not limited to: mineral rights disputes relating to license and permits 26 ; structures for negotiating …

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"Act" means the Mining Act (Cap. 306); "Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to mining; "mineral dealer's licence" means a licence granted in accordance with the Mining Act and the regulations made thereunder which authorises the holder to carry out mineral dealings;

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Kenya: The path towards unlocking the mining sector

Overview. Our Mining team in Kenya was privileged to be part of the 2023 Kenya Mining Week. The conference brought together stakeholders from across the mining value chain, with in-depth discussions held on: women's engagement in the mining sector; the mining-energy nexus; strengthening mining policies and regulatory …

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Kenya Law Reports

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2017 2018 Minerals Yearbook

products, 274 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2017, p. 62–63; 2018, p. 41, 44). In May 2016, the President of Kenya signed the Mining Act 2016, which replaced the Mining Act 1940. The new legislation gave the Government a 10% free-carried interest in mining operations, legalized artisanal mining, simplified the types

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The Challenges and Prospects of Regulating the Mining …

This has been attributed to various factors including exploitative multinational corporations, lack of expertise and corruption, and African countries negotiating unfavourable mining development agreements, with the result that the …

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Kenya's new mining act is a modern piece of legislation with …

Kenya's new Mining Act is the first major revision in mining law in the country since the 1940s. The new Act is largely considered to be a modern piece of legislation that is clear in terms of timelines and structures, but that still has a few challenges that need to be addressed. ... Concerns surrounding the Mining Act include …

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Resources | State Department for Mining

The following are the existing principal policies and laws governing mining in Kenya: The Constitution of Kenya; Mining Act 12 of 2016; Regulations under the Mining Act (Give a link to KLR subsidiary legislations under the Mining Act). Geologist Registration Act 10 of 1993; Explosives Act, Cap 115; Gazette Vol. 37 25-2-22 Special (NLC)

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Kenya's new mining act is a modern piece of legislation with …

Kenya's new Mining Act is the first major revision in mining law in the country since the 1940s. The new Act is largely considered to be a modern piece of …

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Background Information | State Department for Mining

The State Department for Mining was created under the re-organization of the Government of the Republic of Kenya vide Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023. ... Empowerment of the mining industry players especially the artisanal miners is in line with the Kenya Kwanza 2022-2023 Bottom-UP Transformation Agenda (BETA) which seeks to create jobs ...

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New Kenyan Mining Act: A big step forward | Insights | DLA Piper …

This article examines the new Mining Act 2016 in Kenya (the Act) which, after a lengthy legislative process, was finally signed into law by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 6 May 2016. ... As may be expected, the reform of the mining sector has created high expectations in communities situated in areas where mineral deposits are located. In ...

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problems created by the kenyas mining act

problems created by the kenyas mining act. ونحن نرحب ترحيبا حارا لكم في الاتصال بنا من خلال الخطوط الساخنة وغيرها من وسائل الاتصال الفورية.

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Mining and Minerals Policy 2016

It further aligns the country's mining sector with the aspirations of Kenya Vision 2030, the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya (2010) and the African Union Mining Vision (2009) which aims at positioning mining as a key driver of Africa's socio-economic development. ... This Policy therefore informs and underpins the Mining Act (2016 ...

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Home | State Department for Mining

The State Department for Mining was created under the re-organization of the Government of the Republic of Kenya vide Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023 under the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, previously it was under the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining.

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Kenya new Mining Act positions the country for great mining growth

The government has recognised that the mining industry is a key pillar for growth and economic transformation and so we are preparing the country for the next big wave of mining activity." Until now, Kenya has failed to attract any major investment, which Kazungu believes is largely owing to a colonial mining act which was passed in 1940 ...

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Time To Address Compensation and Resettlement Issues in Kenya's Mining

Kenya passed a new Mining Act in May 2016 to bolster the legal regime and reinvigorate the mining sector. The Act provides that where a mineral right disturbs or deprives access to the landowner, causes damage to property or occasions loss of earnings, the landowner may claim compensation whose payment must be prompt, …

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New Kenyan Mining Act: A big step forward | Insights | DLA …

The Act replaces the former Mining Act which had been in force since 1940 which many viewed as not only out-dated but also a significant hurdle to investment in …

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Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Actually Develop Mining

The Kenyan Mining Policy 2016, new Kenyan Mining Act 2016 and Petroleum Act 2019 suggest various ways through which players in the mining industry (especially mining corporations) can develop ...

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Development of a Kenyan Artisanal Mining Strategy

The Kenyan Mining and Minerals Policy and the Mining Act (2016) outlined ambitious reforms for the minerals sector, including significant changes to the definition, legal status and governance of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the country. It recognised artisanal mining activity for the first time, providing a basis for the ...

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(PDF) Kenya's Mineral Landscape: A Review of the Mining …

One of the most serious problems for the mining industry in Kenya is the production of tailings that hold strategic metals. The material is already ground, which means the most energy-consuming ...

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The Environmental Problems Caused by Mining

A village was set up to support 15,000 miners working in the ruby mine near Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar. Photo: Pardieu et al. (2017). However, compared to many other industries such as agriculture, …

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Time To Address Compensation and Resettlement …

Kenya passed a new Mining Act in May 2016 to bolster the legal regime and reinvigorate the mining sector. The Act provides that …

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This Act may be cited as the Mining Act, 2016. 2. Scope of the Act (1) This Act shall apply to the minerals specified in the First Schedule. (2) The Cabinet Secretary may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, amend the First Schedule to this Act. 3. Act not to apply to petroleum and hydrocarbon gases

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Kenya Mining Industry Features

Embark on a journey through Kenya's mining landscape, where diverse mineral resources hold promise for economic development and diversification. Our exclusive articles provide insights into Kenya's mining industry, regulatory reforms, and investment opportunities. Discover the untapped potential and challenges facing mining …

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Exploring: A detailed look at Kenya's Mining Act, 2016

The Mining Act, 2016 is a progressive law that aims to streamline and develop the mining sector in Kenya. It establishes new institutions, regulates mineral …

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Mining in Tanzania: Effects of the mining legal framework overhaul

The FCI levels and implementation was left entirely for the parties to agree, which did not solve the problem of the shortfalls which had previously existed. Upon implementing the 2010 Mining Act, some shortfalls were identified, and in 2017 the government introduced changes when amending the Mining Act through the …

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Full article: Labour Control and the Establishment of …

ABSTRACT. This article contributes to the growing literature on the impact of colonial legacies on long-run development. We focus on Kenya, where it is previously argued that land tenure and taxation policies created an impoverished class of wage workers leading to lower living standards, high inequality, and stunted economic …

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Our Focus

The primary purpose of the Kenya Chamber of Mines is to promote, oppose and influence legislative or any other measures members' interest or that has direct effect on the mining sector. Presentation of member's collective views ; Coordinating efforts to amend the Kenya Mining Act of 2016

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The Regulations and Guidelines Relevant to Mining Activities …

The Regulations, alongside the Mining Act 2016, were expected to provide more transparency and credibility for investors in solving issues affecting the mining …

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