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Methods of fault detection with geophysical data and surface geology

Potential-field geophysical methods for fault detection. Gravity and magnetic methods are of great value in the detection of faults and fractures. In the mining industry, potential-field methods are used for this purpose very commonly on a prospect scale. We encourage this near-universal mining experience to be used also in oil and gas development.

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Geological exploration of coal mine burnt rock and …

To accurately determine the boundaries of burnt rock and water accumulation areas in the Jiangjun Gobi No. 1 open-pit coal mine, this paper uses different …

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Literature survey on the advance detection of dykes …

literature survey, different exploration and geophysical methods that could be used to detect dykes ahead of underground coal mine workings. In this study a range of geophysical and exploration methods have been identified which are generally used in the mining industry. Each different method exploits a

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Resources | Free Full-Text | Applications of Geophysical Logs to Coal

Geophysical logs can be used not only for qualitative interpretation such as strata correlation but also for geotechnical assessment through quantitative data analysis. In an emerging digital mining age, such a use of geophysical logs helps to establish reliable geological and geotechnical models, which reduces safety and financial risks due to …

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Overview on the application of geophysics in coal mining

Geophysical electromagnetic methods can be used to detect the degree and range of damage to a rock mass based on the differences in its electrical conductivity.

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A novel detection method of mining subsidence area based …

The borehole geophysical method has a high detection accuracy for an abnormal body under a mine owing to its downhole measurement, ... Jiang BC, Cheng JY, Li P, Fan T (2023) Using BHR to detect coal seam interface in coal mine. J Appl Geophys 209:104894. Article Google Scholar Johanna O, Norbert K, Florian MW (2022) Mitigation …

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Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting …

The research results show that the high density resistivity method, transient electromagnetic method, microtremor detection and other comprehensive …

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Exploration geophysics

Electric-resistance methods such as induced polarization methods can be useful for directly detecting sulfide bodies, coal and resistive rocks such as salt and carbonates. The data collected from every source is processed and bring into intelligence for further analysis. This helps in rig monitoring and prescriptive analysis.

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Geophysical technologies for detecting underground …

An overview of the capabilities and limitations of various geophysical methods was followed by examples of geophys-ical techniques that could be used to detect mine …

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Research progress and development direction on advanced detection …

The advanced detection in mine roadway working face using geophysical methods requires an accurate detection of the geological anomaly, with a small detection space and strong interference.

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Geological exploration of coal mine burnt rock and …

The self-potential (SP) method is a low-cost, non-invasive passive geophysical technique, and Sahadev et al. used the self-potential (SP) method to detect coal fires below the surface 15.

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Application of High Density Electrical Method in …

At present, the effective detection method for goaf water in coal mines is mainly the ground geophysical prospecting method. Based on many previous researches and practical examples (Zhang, 2012; Dzimunya. et al., 2018; Zhao, 2003; Qian, 2014), it's found that high-density electrical method is a rapid and economical method for …

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Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting …

The distribution of mined-out areas and water accumulation in the coal mine are investigated in detail by using the comprehensive geophysical prospecting method …

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Detection of underground voids in Ohio by use of geophysical methods

Geophysical methods are generally classified as electrical, potential field, and seismic methods. Each method type relies on contrasts of physical properties in the subsurface. Forward models based on the physical properties of air- and water-filled voids within common geologic materials indicate that several geophysical methods are technically …

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Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning

Seismic methods are increasingly used by this industry for a wide range of commodities including base metals, uranium, diamonds, and precious metals. ... (Flin Flon mining camp, Canada). The authors demonstrate that the ability to detect a clear signature of the massive sulfide ore deposits is dependent on the mineralization type (pyrite versus ...

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Electrical resistivity of coal-bearing rocks under high …

At present, most commonly used geophysical methods in the detection of coal fires are the magnetic method and the self-potential method due to their low cost and high efficiency. These two methods have been used to delineate many coal fires in China (Zhang 2004; Shao et al. 2014).

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A General Perspective on Geophysical Methods in Mineral …

A combination of two or more geophysical methods for a particular investigation will ensure a more accurate outcome/result than a data set from any single geophysical method. Data from each geophysical method, if interpreted by several available procedures/techniques, enhances the acceptability of interpretation due to the …

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Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Methods for the Geophysical

Geophysical exploration methods are attractive for application in abandoned coal mines owing to their low cost and non-destructive detection of deep layers, and they are advantageous for characterising the geological structure, goaf distribution, …

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Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Underground …

The common identification methods of coal fire areas include the census method, geophysical method, and remote sensing method [4,8]. The first two methods require workers to carry equipment …

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Water Detection within the Working Face of an Underground Coal …

There are very few methods that can detect or map water remotely within the working face of a mine. The two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method is sufficient for detecting water directly above the roof and below the floor, but it fails to detect water within the internal blocks of the working face.

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Detection and delineation of coal mine fire in Jharia coal …

Coal mine fire is a serious problem in Jharia coal field, India. The coal mine fire can be detected with different techniques such as borehole temperature measurement, thermo-compositional analysis, remote sensing techniques, thermo-graphic measurement and geophysical methods. In this study, various geophysical methods were used to …

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Overview on the application of geophysics in coal mining

Transient electromagnetic methods (TEMs) are effective tools for hydrogeological investigations of coal mines. However, traditional ground-based and underground-based TEMs typically fail to detect deeply buried water-bearing bodies in the majority of coal mines in northern China, where the Quaternary overburden is generally …

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Geophysical Methods, Exploration Geophysics

Geophysics is a branch of Earth science that utilizes principles and techniques from physics to study the physical properties and processes of the Earth. It involves the application of various methods to investigate the subsurface structure, composition, and dynamics. Geophysical methods are essential tools for …

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Theory and application of magnetic and self-potential methods …

Magnetics and self-potential methods detect coal fires from magnetic and electrical characteristics, separately. They are complementary and thus can help overcome some of the challenges encountered by conventional coal fire detection methods. ... Self-potential is a non-invasive geophysical method that measures the natural potential of …

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Detection, extinguishing, and monitoring of a coal fire in …

Thus, the costs and efficiency must be taken into account when choosing geophysical methods. Magnetic method and self-potential method are easy to perform and the cost is low, which make them suitable for detecting coal fire in Xinjiang. Both of them are nonintrusive geophysical methods but aim at different physical aspects of …

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Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Method in …

DOI: 10.1155/2019/2368402 Corpus ID: 202099420; Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Method in the Exploration of Coal Mined-Out Areas @article{Luo2019ApplicationOC, title={Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Method in the Exploration of Coal Mined-Out Areas}, author={Xiao Luo …

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Detection of Underground Voids in Ohio by Use of …

Geophysical Methods By Jens Munk and Rodney A. Sheets ABSTRACT Geophysical methods are generally classified as electrical, potential field, and seismic methods. Each method type relies on contrasts of physical properties in …

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Development of a ground penetrating radar system for …

Introduction. Coal is the pillar of China's energy industry, and >60% of the energy is from coal at present. The geological conditions of the China's coal mining are complex, and the different kinds of hidden disasters, such as mine water, small faults, broken zones, are the main causes of the coal mine accidents in China (Cheng, Fei, …

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Geophysics of Coal

This chapter gives a simple outline of the basic physical properties of coal-bearing sequences together with an outline of the field methods used to locate and …

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Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Method …

Taking Zhaicun Iron Mine in Laizhou City as an example, in view of the blindness and complexity of non-coal mine goaf with historical formation and responsibility loss, geophysical methods such as high-precision magnetic method, high-density resistivity method and shallow seismic method are adopted. Combined with the drilling …

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