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Arsenic and antimony concentrations in Chinese typical …

Concentration of arsenic and antimony in different soils (mgkg−1). Province Sb As Hainan 0.100 8.560 Guangdong 0.274 6.770 ... tion of antimony in plant and peat samples by hydride

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may be taken up by plants and animals. The concentration of antimony in air ranges from a very small part of a nanogram (1 nanogram equals a billionth of a gram) in a cubic meter (m³) of air (ng/m³) to about 170 ng/m³. However, near companies that change antimony ores into metal or make antimony oxide, concentrations may be more than 1,000 ...

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The uptake and detoxification of antimony by plants: A …

The final factor involves variations in the concentrations of coexisting ions in soils, such as phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) (Fig. 1).The addition of phosphate amendments was observed to effectively mobilise Sb in Sb-contaminated soils (Spuller et al., 2007), and P may facilitate plant uptake of Sb via competitive adsorption to soil …

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Bioavailability and toxicity of antimony

Table 1 shows concentrations of macro- and trace elements in different parts of thirteen-day-old seedlings grown for six days in Sb-enriched water. The concentration of Sb increased significantly in all plant parts, especially in the roots and seeds. The Sb accumulation in the plants depended on the Sb concentration in the growth media.

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Current processing technology for antimony-bearing ores a …

Current processing technology for antimony-bearing ores 551 Turhal antimony plant, Turkey Turhal processes a type of ore with quartz veins and stibnite as the sole ore mineral [8]. A certain amount of calcite and pyrite is present in the ore. ... The concentrator has been equipped with a gravity concentration plant comprising jigs and …

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Antimony toxicity in soils and plants, and mechanisms of its

Antimony at moderate and high concentrations has been related to unfavorable plant effects such as growth retardation, decreased biomass and photosynthesis, ROS production, and lipid peroxidation ...

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A Review on Pyrometallurgical Extraction of …

Antimony is classified as a critical/strategic metal. Its primary production is predominated by China via pyrometallurgical routes such as volatilization roasting—reduction smelting or direct reduction …

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Mercury and antimony in wastewater: fate and treatment

It is important to understand the fate of Hg and Sb within the wastewater treatment process so as to examine potential treatment options and to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. The fate of Hg and Sb was investigated for an activated sludge process treatment works in the UK. Relatively high crude values (Hg 0.092 μg/L, Sb 1.73 …

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Toxicity of antimony to plants: effects on metabolism of N …

Excess antimony (Sb) has been shown to damage plant growth, rice plants readily absorb a large amount of Sb after a long period of flooding, yet the mechanisms …

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Antimony Toxicity

The concentration of antimony in air ranges from a nanogram per cubic meter (ng/m 3) to about 170 ng/m 3. The concentration of antimony that is found dissolved in rivers and lakes is usually less than 5 parts of antimony in 1 billion parts of water (ppb) and it is found attached to particles of dirt.

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Toxicity of different forms of antimony to rice plant: Effects …

The addition of Sb(III) significantly increased the concentration of oxalic acid but decreased the concentrations of formic, acetic and maleic acids. Sb(V) also enhanced the oxalic acid concentration at 20 mg L −1 Sb(V) treatment level but reduced the concentrations of formic and acetic acids. Different forms of Sb dose-dependently …

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Mitigating Antimony Toxicity in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) …

Selenium (Se) has been used to counteract the stress of various metals (metaloids) in plants. However, the underlying mechanisms and comparative effects of different Se application methods on reducing toxicity and accumulation of metals have not been fully investigated. Antimony (Sb) is a toxic metalloid that seriously threatens to the …

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Frontiers | Effects of Antimony on Rice Growth and Its …

Antimony Concentration in Rice and Antimony Speciation in Rice Plants. The roots, stems, leaves, and grain of rice were freeze dried with a FD5-series freeze dryer (SIM, United States), and 100 mg of each sample was transferred to a digestion vessel containing 2 mL HNO 3.

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Availability, Toxicology and Medical Significance of Antimony

Some plant species, notably Achillea ageratum, Plantago lanceolata, and Silene vulgaris, accumulate antimony readily . For example, according to the results of …

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[PDF] Antimony in the soil-plant system

Environmental context. Soil contamination by antimony (Sb) has become an environmental problem of much concern in recent years, because increasing mining and industrial use has led to widespread soil contamination by this biologically unessential, but potentially carcinogenic element. We reviewed the available literature and found that Sb …

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Accumulation and transport of antimony and arsenic in terrestrial …

Request PDF | Accumulation and transport of antimony and arsenic in terrestrial and aquatic plants in an antimony ore concentration area (south-west China) | Environmental contextPhytoremediation ...

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Slope position mediates the co-utilization of phosphorus by plants …

Plant and soil samples were collected from 18 subplots; of these, mature leaves and fresh leaf litter were sampled. ... (Olsen-P) contents were measured by the molybdenum-antimony anti-colorimetric method (Olsen and Sommers, 1982). Soil dissolved organic C (DOC) and total dissolved N (TDN) concentrations were extracted …

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The exposure to and health effects of antimony

Exposure to antimony concentrations of 9 mg/m 3 of air will result in eye, skin, and lung irritation. Long-term exposure to antimony in smelting plants may result in the formation of antimoniosis, a particular form of pneumoconiosis. Chronic exposure will potentiate lung, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases.

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Effects of antimony contamination in soil on the nutrient …

Purpose This study aims to explore the effects of antimony (Sb) on the nutrient composition of green leafy vegetables. Materials and methods Red beets (Beta vulgaris L.), mallow (Malva sinensis Cavan.), and Chinese cabbage (Brassicacampestris L.) were planted by pouring antimony solution in flowerpot, then the protein content of …

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Antimony and Arsenic Uptake by Plants in an Abandoned …

Abstract The degree of antimony (Sb) and arsenic (As) pollution and their bioavailability in mining‐affected grassland soils were determined. Antimony and As concentrations in aboveground parts of plants, collected in three consecutive years, were measured to investigate their uptake capacity, food chain contamination, and ecological …

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Antimony induced structural and ultrastructural changes in

Antimony (Sb) is considered as a priority toxic metalloid in the earth crust having no known biological function. The current study was carried out in a hydroponic …

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Toxicity of antimony to plants: effects on metabolism of N …

Excess antimony (Sb) has been shown to damage plant growth, rice plants readily absorb a large amount of Sb after a long period of flooding, yet the mechanisms underlying Sb toxicity in plants have not been solved. ... Total protein concentration is the total N concentration in plants (Bjarnadóttir et al., 2018). …

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Three Methods To Antimony Ore Beneficiation And Processing

Antimony is a non-renewable strategic mineral resource and an indispensable and important raw material for modern industrial development. With the high-intensity resource mining in recent years, the consumption of antimony resources is too large. Antimony beneficiation methods are important to improve the recovery rate of …

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Antimony-oxidizing bacteria alleviate Sb stress in …

Aims Antimony (Sb)-oxidizing bacteria play an important role in Sb biogeochemical cycle in soil, but the benefits of microbial oxidation for plants have not been well documented. The aim of this study was to explore the contribution of Sb(III)-oxidizing bacteria to alleviate the Sb toxicity in plants. Methods The plant growth-promoting …

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Biogeochemistry of antimony in soil-plant system: …

Antimony toxicity in plants not only depends on the uptake and potential concentration of Sb in plants but also on its speciation inside plants. The extent of Sb …

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Antimony induced structural and ultrastructural changes in

Sb concentration in vegetative tissues. Result of Sb concentrations in different plant organs in all three Sb treatments showed that Sb concentrations in roots were somewhat higher (P < 0.05) than ...

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Microbial adaptation in vertical soil profiles contaminated by …

The co-occurrence networks were loosely connected in surface soil, but obviously recovered and were well-connected in deep soil. The metagenomic results indicated that microbial metabolic potential also changed with soil depth. Genes encoding C metabolism pathways were negatively correlated with antimony and arsenic …

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Toxic effects of antimony in plants: Reasons and remediation possibilities—A review and future prospects

Antimony uptake varies widely among plant species, growing sites, and underlying substrate conditions (Table 1). Most commonly, the highest plant Sb …

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Antimony toxicity in soils and plants, and mechanisms of its

Inhibition of photosynthesis, modified root and leaf anatomy, activation of plant antioxidant system, or disruption of plant membrane system are some of the negative …

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A comparative study of antimony accumulation in plants …

It seems that the major conclusion should be that foliar antimony concentrations in plants growing in antimony-enriched soils are extremely variable, even within the same site. The major part of this variation (>80 %) is explained by plant taxonomic origin, particularly at the family level, rather than variation in soil antimony (<20 %). ...

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