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Dislocations in naturally deformed olivine: Example of a …

We remind that with increasing stress and strain, the accumulation of intragranular dislocations triggers recovery processes, such as the formation of subgrain …

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Dislocation Creep of Olivine: Backstress Evolution …

Stress-reduction experiments reveal that transient creep of olivine is controlled by dislocation interactions. Equations describing deformation due to glide of dislocations and the buildup of backstress …

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The interactions between olivine dissolution and …

Ocean alkalinity enhancement, one of the ocean-based CO 2 removal techniques, has the potential to assist us in achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. Olivine is considered the most promising mineral for ocean alkalinization enhancement due to its theoretically high CO 2 sequestration efficiency. Olivine dissolution has been predicted …

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Olivine, a revolutionary dietary supplement, utilizes the potent properties of polyphenols extracted from olives cultivated in volcanic soil. These polyphenols play a crucial role in promoting a healthy metabolism and stimulating the body to utilize fat as an energy source, thereby facilitating weight loss.

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Olivine thin section

Olivine – named in allusion to its olive-green color. Fayalite – locality on Fayal Island in the Azores where it was believed to have occurred in a local volcanic rock; it was probably obtained from slag carried as ship's ballast. Forsterite – for Adolarius Jacob Forster (1739-1806), English mineral collector and dealer, who spent ...

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A new high-pressure form of Mg2SiO4 highlighting …

High-pressure polymorphism of olivine (α-phase of Mg2SiO4) is of particular interest for geophysicists aiming to understand the structure and dynamics of the Earth's interior because of olivine ...

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Dislocation Generation in Experimentally Shocked Olivine …

To investigate the shock-induced development of dislocations in olivine, one of the most common minerals found in meteorites and other planetary samples, a series of shock experiments were carried out on olivine single crystals. Olivine crystals were shocked to peak reverberation pressures ranging from 21.3 to 58.7 GPa in a flat …

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Olivine | NOVA Mineralogy

Further Reading. Olivine at webmineral Olivine at mindat. Bonus Content. Xenobombs. The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and and Mineral Resources has published an excellent overview of the geologic setting …

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Stress-induced amorphization triggers …

The mechanical properties of olivine-rich rocks are key to determining the mechanical coupling between Earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere. In crystalline materials, the motion of crystal ...

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Measuring the strength of olivine, the most abundant mineral …

The diamond tips ranged in size from 5 to 20 microns (0.000001 meter). The researchers performed hundreds of indentation tests on tiny olivine crystals less than a centimeter square and found that the olivine crystal became weaker as the size of the diamond tip increased.

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Tyro Simplex™

Tyro Simplex™ The Tyro Simplex™ Machine was created to accommodate the need for flexibility and make in-house helical screw flight forming a reality for those who have been relying on outside sources for flight manufacturing. ... Advanced Spiral Technology. About AST The TruHelix™ System The Right Fit News and Resources Inquiries/Contact ...

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Dislocation structure of deformed olivine single crystals …

olivine single and polycrystals show that olivine deforms by a limited number of slip systems in dislocation creep. The slip systems most commonly observed resulting from high temperature creep of olivine (1150–1600 C for the experiments cited) are [100](010), [100](001), [001](100) and [001](010) [Durham and Goetze (1977), Darot and Gue-

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Olivine - (Fe,Mg) 2 SiO 4 Olivines are an important rock-forming mineral group. Magnesium-rich olivines are abundant in low-silica mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and are believed to be the most abundant constituent of the Earth's upper mantle. Olivine also occurs in high-temperature metamorphic rocks, lunar basalts, and some meteorites.

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Olivine is most commonly formed in basaltic rocks and is the major constituent of the upper mantle layer of the Earth. Often basaltic lavas can contain large (1-2mm) crystals of olivine which have come …

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6.4.10: Olivine Group Minerals

We usually use abbreviations and subscripts to indicate olivine compositions. Fo 88 Fa 09 Te 02 La 01, for example, refers to an olivine of composition (Mg 0.88 Fe 0.09 Mn 0.02 Ca 0.01) 2 SiO 4. …

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Dislocation Creep of Olivine: Backstress Evolution Controls …

Applications to olivine have been limited primarily to torsional microcreep experiments on fine-grained aggregates by Gribb and Cooper and Jackson et al. (2002, 2014). Chopra reported two experiments on natural dunites, and Cooper et al. reported one experiment on a single crystal. However, the microphysical controls on the behavior …

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Disclinations provide the missing mechanism for deforming olivine …

Olivine is the most abundant upper-mantle mineral — and the weakest under a wide range of thermo-mechanical conditions — so its deformation under stress is an important constraint on mantle ...

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Growth of, and diffusion in, olivine in ultra-fast ascending …

Complex core-rim zoning of Mg-Fe-Ni-Ca-Cr-Al-P in high-Mg olivine crystals from a tuff ring of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, enables reconstruction of the entire olivine crystallization history ...

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Spinel, olivine, and pyroxene chemistry of the Eoarchaean …

Fe 2+ is a major element in olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, garnet, and spinel; high Fe parental magmas are also likely due to clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene±garnet depletion at the source and peritectic melting reactions depleting olivine in Fe 2+ increasing restite Mg#, a characteristic of olivine comprising highly …

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Olivine typically displays pale green pleochroism and no distinct cleavage. Mag. 10x. Photomicrograph of olivine under crossed polarized light. These crystals show 2nd order interference colors. This sample also shows …

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Crystal structural features of the olivine → spinel transition …

Comparisons of structural features of olivine (α phase), spinel (γ phase), and the modified spinel (β phase) lead to predictions of possible mechanisms for the olivine → spinel transitions. In the olivine structure, rigid tetrahedral edges and shared octahedral edges form columns of corner-sharing trigonal dipyramids parallel to the a axis. These rigid …

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Dislocation interactions in olivine control postseismic creep …

Here, we demonstrate that olivine samples deformed at 25 °C or 1150–1250 °C both preserve stress heterogeneities of ~1 GPa that are imparted by dislocations and …

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Intracrystalline deformation microstructures in natural olivine …

Intracrystalline deformation microstructures in natural olivine with implications for stress estimation

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Olivine: A rock-forming mineral. Used as the …

What is Olivine? Olivine is the name of a group of rock-forming minerals that are typically found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, dunite, diabase, and peridotite.They are usually green in …

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Dislocation interactions in olivine control postseismic creep …

Here, we demonstrate that olivine samples deformed at 25 °C or 1150–1250 °C both preserve stress heterogeneities of ~1 GPa that are imparted by dislocations and have correlation lengths of ~1 μm.

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Dislocation structure of deformed olivine single crystals from

The possibility of mapping dislocation density and slip systems by conventional (Hough-transform based) EBSD is investigated here with naturally and …

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Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: A Microscopic

Inclusions of basaltic melt trapped inside of olivine phenocrysts during igneous crystallization provide a rich, crystal-scale record of magmatic processes ranging from mantle melting to ascent, eruption, and quenching of magma during volcanic eruptions. Melt inclusions are particularly valuable for retaining information on volatiles such as H2O …

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Olivine: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know

Abundance. These crystals help us to see the abundance of the natural world and attune to abundance consciousness, which encompasses material abundance, abundance of energy, positive emotions, connection, and inspiration.; Hold your Olivine stone and engage in a gratitude practice where, each day, you acknowledge and give thanks for a minimum of …

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Low-temperature plasticity of olivine revisited with …

We propose a new rheological law for single-crystal olivine deformed in easy slip, which is consistent with both single-crystal experiments at ca. 0.5 T m (T m is the melting temperature, that is, for olivine, Fo90 ≈ 1973 K) …

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Decorated dislocations in naturally deformed olivine with C …

This paper presents a detailed case study of decorated dislocations of olivine with C-type fabric in the Lüliangshan garnet peridotite from the North Qaidam ultrahigh …

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